REview: Hermana Muerte/Sister Death (2023) | Traditional Horror Movie Flirts With Greatness

Paco Plaza as a director has always been competent, but rarely innovative. In fact, I’d argue that beyond 2007’s Rec he isn’t innovative at all. That being said, not everyone makes it their business to remake the wheel and it should be enough to do your job with a high degree of competence though the […]

‘Stinger’ In A ‘Teacup’

When I first heard that James Wan was developing a series based on Robert McCammon’s excellent novel,Stinger, I had mixed feelings. The novel revolves around an alien (the language of the creature isn’t directly translatable to any human language so the closest we can get to what the creature is is ‘Stinger of the House […]

‘Rebel Moon’ Special Release

Let’s be clear, I’m looking forward to catching Zach Snyder’s Rebel Moon and am jazzed to learn that it’s premiering a day earlier – the 21st instead of the 22nd – though I’m not expecting much because it’s based on an idea created by Snyder himself. Though let’s back up for a moment. What was […]

How Did Fiefield Get Lost?

Ridley Scott has one of the most distinctive eyes – figuratively speaking – in movies in that if you see one of his films and can pick up on his particular visual tendencies/quirks, you’ll recognize anything else he does. And Prometheus (2012) is no different because it’s a beautiful movie that looks much more expensive […]

Surviving Paradise

Say what you will about Netflix, you have to admit that they do reality shows right. Their latest is Surviving Paradise – the titular similarity to Survivor I suspect is no coincidence – revolves around 15 people who all have to stay in pretty primitive circumstances, till half of them are lifted up, so to […]

Netflix Intends To Raise Prices (Just Say ‘No’)

According to MacDailyNews, Netflix – along with seemingly every other paid streaming network – will be raising prices, if they haven’t already. This really pisses me off because the solution for American companies is always to raise prices, not ‘maybe we ought to stop paying executives way more money than they’re worth.’ That way they’d […]