Marvel Studios’ Black Widow (2020) | Final Trailer

The final trailer for Marvel Studios’ Black Widow dropped today and we get to see more of Taskmaster, who we learned is behind The Red Room (which if I recall was mentioned in Avengers (2012) and fleshed out in Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)). It’s a great looking movie, though what bothers me–and I’m among […]

Mtn Dew Zero Sugar Super Bowl Spot – Trailer

This is not the sort of thing that typically interests me, but I watched Doctor Sleep a few days ago so I’m shining all over the place. And sure, the commercial makes no narrative sense at all, though to see Bryan Cranston doing his best Jack Torrance is a joy to behold. And Tracee Ellis […]

Scoob! – Trailer

Scoob is a cute trailer but I have to ask would anyone care about a Scooby Doo origin story (which is what it appears to be)? I get the feeling that a lot of kids have no idea who he is, and since the likelihood is high that his adventures as a puppy aren’t going […]

El Chicano – Official Trailer

I genuinely like the idea behind this trailer (it’s essentially the Punisher mixed with Batman). That being said, El Chicano!? That’s a wee bit on the nose, isn’t it? Latin peoples have a rich history, with all sorts of interesting, colorful characters, yet the filmmakers somehow settled on “El Chicano!?” It somewhat reminds me of […]

William – Official Trailer

This trailer really annoys me. Reason being, it takes what should be a remarkable thing–reintroducing Neanderthals into the present day–and instead appears to be little more than a typical play on being a member of an “out group” (depending upon the circumstances, a woman, people of color, smart people, homosexual, etc) learning how to fit […]

Toy Story 4 – Official Trailer

As I’ve said before, I’m not a huge fan of CGI-animated movies (or paying to see them, at any rate). I recognize the work that goes into their creation, but for whatever reason they don’t move me. The trailer for Toy Story 4 dropped a day or two ago…so here it is. The trailer is […]

Kitbull – Pixar Sparkshort

I wasn’t familiar with ‘Sparkshorts’ or ‘Kitbull‘ before now, though having seen the latter, I want more. This post started life as a reaction trailer, but since it was blocked by YouTube I’ve pivoted a bit, and pulled into the Trailer Park.

Frozen 2 – Teaser Trailer

Like with Disney’s Aladdin, I don’t think I was part of the target audience for 2013’s Frozen and will likely not be part of it for the upcoming sequel. And it literally doesn’t matter because that movie earned a gazillion dollars–that’s actually $1.277 billion–and I expect the sequel to do the same. Whether or not […]

The ‘Snap’ Heard Around Springfield

In case you were wondering how far Thanos’ snap from Avengers: Infinity War extended, apparently all the way in Springfield because the Simpson’s weren’t immune to its effects. Which makes sense when you think about since Disney purchased the assets of 20th Century Fox, which includes The Simpsons.

Velvet Buzzsaw – Trailer

I have no idea what a ‘velvet chainsaw’ is but it sounds relatively ineffective for the things chainsaws are typically used for. Having just watched the trailer for the movie I at first thought it was a high-brow commentary on art. Which is okay but not quite my thing. Looking a little deeper I think […]