Sony Posted a $107M Profit. Why Is That A Bad Thing (Because It Is)?

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Sony’s movie division posted a $107 million profit, which is particularly impressive considering only two years earlier they posted a $719 million LOSS.

Now, if you’re Sony you’re probably feeling pretty good about things though if you’re a person who happens to be watching a Sony movie…let’s just say your mileage may vary.

Reason being, Venom‘s surprise performance–earning almost $900 million on a $100 million budget–was interesting because very few critics thought it was particularly good (which is not that surprising when you consider virtually every critic who saw Suicide Squad also hated it, yet it went on to earn almost $750 million).

Typically, when a studio does well due to relatively mediocre movies that’s a sign that they’re going to keep making them.

Which I call the Transformers Theorem because–minus the first movie–they’re absolutely terrible, though they were also very profitable, which means the studio would keep throwing them at us because we were dumb enough to keep paying to see them (in insanely high numbers).

So, with Sony finally starting to earn some money, they’re likely to continue doing what brought them their current profitability.

Which means, as much as Venom was critically panned, don’t be shocked if the sequel is just. Like. It.

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